Monday 4 June 2012

Web Shifting to .anyDomainName

When I was first introduced to Internet in 2004, Computers meant Microsoft Windows and only way to open a webpage was by using Internet Explorer. IE was the default browser that came bundled with Windows. To Open a webpage in IE we had to type the enitre name of the site as it is (just like coding) for eg Any mistake in the url could lead you to a page not found exception. This process also required us to remember complex names like

As I became for more accomplished with Internet it became easy to directly type the site name in Google search bar as Google returned appropriate serach result to the site (Also since used to be the homepage in many cases!). Also as browsers developed modern browser offered the simplicity of enitering  the name in the OMNIBAR (Search  + Address bar ) which offered suggestion as typed and hence you could directly end up on the correct site. Hence the need to remember complex domain names was gone.

Currently we just have majority URL ending in .com or .org or a country specific URL extension like .in for India. But this is going to change and web will be flooded with new domain names.

ICANN will allow companies and organisation to choose any top level domain names they like. Currently only 22 top level domain (TLD) are available which include .com, .org, .net. After  new gTLDs (Generic TLD) come in we will be able to have sites like www.myProduct.myCompanyName . Also these top level domain names can include any characters ie. regional characters will also be allowed making the site name more effective and more close to its real intention.

This will allow companies to increase their brand value on the Internet. As a company can have many products which may not have relation with each other it becomes imperative to have a website for each product. 

Companies can now purchase a TLD and then create website that will have the company name as their extension. This will allow different products to have different website but still be linked to the owner company by its URL extension! This will allow the company to associate  product and its brand name to be in customers memory just by its URL.

Google has applied for 50 TLD according to its official Google Blog which includes .google .youtube and .lol !! domains

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